What is included in the WHO PHSM Bibliographic Library

Eligibility criteria

The PHSM Bibliographic Library includes articles on Public Health and Social Measures for emergencies stemming from 23 priority diseases which is informed by the WHO publication, Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases, 2nd edition. The diseases considered are listed in Table 1.  


Table 1. List of diseases considered in the WHO PHSM Knowledge Hub
Lassa fever
Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever
Yellow fever
Dengue fever
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
Influenza pandemic
Seasonal influenza
Animal influenza
Mpox (monkeypox)
Meningococcal meningitis
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)




Public Health and Social Measures are defined as:


Non-pharmaceutical interventions implemented by individuals, communities, governments and institutions at global, regional, national and community levels to protect the health and well-being of communities affected by health emergencies. PHSM reduce the risk and scale of transmission of infectious diseases by reducing transmission-relevant exposures and/or making them safer.


PHSM are categorized by five first-level categories based on the WHO PHSM conceptual framework.


1st level PHSM category2nd level PHSM category and High-level indicator
Active case finding and contact identification measures

Systems and actions implemented to identify, track and manage potential and confirmed cases of disease. This may include case finding, testing and contact tracing as well as isolation (i.e., to separate individuals with a confirmed or suspected infection) and quarantine (i.e., to separate individuals with an increased risk of infection from those at risk of becoming infected).
  • 1.  Active case finding
    • 1.2. Screening for symptoms
    • 1.3. Screening
    • 1.4. Contact tracing
  • 2. Case specific measures
    • 2.1. Isolation
  • 3. Contact specific measures
    • 3.1. Quarantine
Personal protection measures

Measures comprising personal protective equipment as well as personal hygiene behaviours that reduce the risk of individuals transmitting and/or becoming infected with a pathogen with epidemic or pandemic potential.
  • 4. Personal protective equipment 
    • 4.1. Masks
    • 4.2. Gloves
    • 4.3. Face shields
    • 4.4. Bed nets
    • 4.5. Long/protective clothing
    • 4.6. Barriers for safer sex
    • 4.7. Repellents
  • 5. Personal hygiene measures
    • 5.1. Hand hygiene
    • 5.2. Respiratory etiquette
    • 5.3. Food safety measures
    • 5.4. Safe handling of personal equipment and supplies
    • 5.5 Safe breastfeeding practices
Environmental measures

Measures targeting the physical infrastructure/environment including the human-animal interface through modifications, re-purposing and/or appropriately maintaining existing or newly set up structures to limit transmission of a pathogen with epidemic or pandemic potential.
  • 6. Physical infrastructure
    • 6.1. Physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass screens, room dividers)
  • 7. Vector control
    • 7.1. Building/housing modification (e.g., window screens, closure of eaves)
    • 7.2. Spraying (indoor residual / outdoor spraying)
    • 7.3. Reservoir control (e.g., drain stagnant and standing water, cover water containers)
  • 8. Water and sanitation safety
    • 8.1. Disinfection of safe drinking water
    • 8.2. Modification of access to safe drinking water
    • 8.3. Wastewater management
    • 8.4 Solid waste management
  • 9. Surface cleaning
    • 9.1. Safe handling of equipment and supplies
    • 9.2. Surface disinfection
    • 9.3. Surface decontamination
  • 10. Indoor air quality
    • 10.1. Ventilation
    • 10.2. Air filtering
    • 10.3. Humidity control
  • 11. Animal-human interface
    • 11.1. Culling
    • 11.2. Safe handling of carrion and infected livestock/animals
    • 11.3. Regulation of animal movement and products
    • 11.4. Livestock quarantine
    • 11.5. Livestock isolation
    • 11.6. Restriction of farming, fishing, hunting and/or selling of  animals
Social measures

Measures at national and sub-national level comprising (i) the modification of social interactions between individuals and groups of people (including gatherings), (ii) the adaptation, cancellation and/or modified timing of services or activities, and (iii) the adaptation or restriction of movement within gathering and between specific settings and within or across national borders.
  • 12. Social interactions and gatherings modifications
    • 12.1. Physical distancing (incl flow and density)
    • 12.2. Restrictions of private gatherings /mass     gatherings
    • 12.3. Restrictions of public gatherings/mass gatherings
  • 13. Domestic mobility
    • 13.1. Stay-at-home order/curfew/movement restrictions
    • 13.2. Restrictions of public transport services
    • 13.3. Restrictions of movement (e.g., max. radius from home)
    • 13.4. Entry restrictions (e.g., for districts, zones, settlements)
    • 13.5. Exit restrictions (e.g., for districts, zones, settlements)
  • 14. Modifications to activities and services
    • 14.1. Modification to access (e.g., closure of schools or businesses, restricted access to individuals with vaccination certificates/ individuals tested negative, extending holidays for schools, etc.)
    • 14.2. Modification to types of activities (e.g., distance/online learning/teleworking, online/remote provision of services, cancellation of school meals)
    • 14.3. Safe burial
International travel and trade measures

Measures following a risk-based approach to reduce the travel- and trade-associated exportation, importation and onward transmission of a pathogen with epidemic or pandemic potential across borders.
  • 15. Trade measures for imported goods
    • 15.1. Restriction
    • 15.2. Ban
    • 15.3. Inspection
  • 16. Trade measures for exported goods
    • 16.1. Restriction
    • 16.2. Ban
    • 16.3. Inspection
  • 17. Travel related screening/testing
    • 17.1. Exit/entry screening for symptoms
    • 17.2. Exit/entry screening for vaccination/immunity
    • 17.3. Exit/entry screening for travel/contact history
    • 17.4. Exit/entry testing for infection
  • 18. Border measures
    • 18.1. Ban on entry
    • 18.2. Ban on exit
    • 18.3. Entry restriction
    • 18.4. Exit restriction
  • 19. Upon arrival quarantine
    • 19.1. Home quarantine
    • 19.2. Hotel / non-healthcare facility / institutional quarantine
    • 19.3. Healthcare facility quarantine
  • 20. Travel advice/warning
    • 20.1. Travel advice
    • 20.2. Travel warning


* The PHSM Bibliographic Library does not store full-text articles. Instead, it provides essential bibliographic information, enabling users to explore, search, and identify relevant literature. Users can then locate, download, and utilize the full-text articles through external sources.


Search methods

Search sources

The PHSM Bibliographic Library is built and maintained through automated and manual searches across several sources, including electronic databases, preprint repositories, trial registries, and other relevant sources.


During the pilot phase, not all the sources are active. The following sources will be regularly searched when the PHSM Bibliographic Library is fully functional.


Electronic databases

  • Pubmed
  • Epistemonikos database
  • CINAHL (The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
  • PsycINFO
  • LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde)
  • IRIS (WHO Institutional Repository for Information Sharing)
  • IRIS PAHO (PAHO Institutional Repository for Information Sharing)
  • IBECS (Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud)
  • MDPI
  • GIM (Global Index Medicus)


Preprint servers

  • MedRxiv
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
  • Researchsquare
  • SSRN (via Crossref)
  • SciELO Preprints (via LILACS)
  • bioRxiv Pre-Print


Trial registries

  • Clinicaltrials.gov
  • International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)
  • EU Clinical Trials Register  (EUCTR)
  • Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT)
  • International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Search Portal
  • NIPH Clinical Trials Search (Japan) - Japan Primary Registries Network (JPRN) (JapicCTI, JMACCT CTR, jRCT, UMIN CTR)
  • University hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR)
  • JRCT - Japan Registry of Clinical Trials
  • JAPIC Clinical Trials Information
  • Clinical Research Information Service (CRiS), Republic of Korea
  • ANZCTR - Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry
  • ReBec - Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry
  • CTRI - Clinical Trials Registry - India
  • RPCEC - Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials
  • DRKS - German Clinical Trials Register
  • LBCTR - Lebanese Clinical Trials Registry
  • TCTR - Thai Clinical Trials Registry
  • NTR - The Netherlands National Trial Register
  • PACTR - Pan African Clinical Trial Registry
  • REPEC - Peruvian Clinical Trial Registry
  • SLCTR - Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry
  • Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS), European Medicines Agency
  • International Traditional Medicine Clinical Trial Registry (ITMCTR)
  • Chinese Clinical Trial Registry


Other sources

  • China CDC Weekly


Search strategies

The search strategy combines terms for the ‘disease’ component and the ‘PHSM intervention’ component of the PHSM Bibliographic Library. 
The ‘disease’ component includes terms to identify articles addressing infectious disease public health emergencies in general (e.g. general terms like epidemic, pandemic, outbreak), and terms to capture the individual diseases listed above. 

The ‘PHSM interventions’ component includes terms to capture PHSM in general and the different categories, subcategories and individual measures included in the WHO PHSM conceptual framework. See Table 2


Figure 1. Venn diagram for the components of the PHSM Bibliographic Library.


The specific search strings to capture the different concepts are reported in Tables 3 and 4. They have been adapted to the search syntax of each source. The information is obtained from the sources using different technology solutions, such as querying available APIs, subscribing to RSS feeds, parsing .csv files posted on websites and running traditional manual searches. 

The records are deduplicated and cleaned using the proprietary software of Epistemonikos Foundation. Inclusion in the repository is not restricted by study design, language or publication status. 

Table 3.  Diseases search strings

 Diseases - search term Search strategy
#1PHSM diseasespandemi* OR PHEIC OR ((outbreak* OR epidemic* OR infectious*) AND (emergenc* OR hazard* OR threat* OR "high-threat"))
#2Lassa feverlassa* OR LASV
#3Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever((crimea* OR congo*) AND (hemorrhagic* OR haemorrhagic* OR fever*)) OR CCHF*
#4Yellow fever"yellow fever" OR "yellow jack" OR (yellow* AND fever*)
#5Chikungunya chikung* OR CHIKV
#6Dengue feverdengue* OR DENV*
#7Coronaviruscoronavir* OR coronovirus* OR betacoronavir* OR "beta-coronavirus" OR "beta-coronaviruses" OR "corona virus" OR "corono virus" OR hcov* OR "n-cov" OR ncov* OR sars* OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome"
#8Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(((severe AND acute AND respiratory) OR SARS) AND coronavir*) OR SARSCoV OR "SARS-CoV" OR "SARS-CoV-1"
#9COVID-19covid* OR coronavir* OR coronovir* OR betacoronavir* OR "beta-coronavirus" OR "corona virus" OR "corono virus" OR neocoronavir* OR hcov* OR "2019-ncov" OR cv19* OR "cv-19" OR "cv 19" OR "n-cov" OR ncov* OR (wuhan* AND (virus OR viruses OR viral)) OR "cv-19" OR sars* OR sari OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome" OR antisars* OR anti-sars* OR "corona patients" OR pandemi* OR "with-covid-19" OR "with-covid" OR "anti-covid-19"
#10Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus"middle east respiratory syndrome" OR "middle-east respiratory syndrome" OR mers OR MERSCoV* OR "MERS-CoV"
#11Ebolaebola* OR ebov*
#12Influenzainfluenz* OR flu OR influenz* OR "epidemic-bronchitis" OR "epidemic bronchitis"
#13Influenza pandemic((influenz* OR flu OR "epidemic-bronchitis" OR "epidemic bronchitis") AND *pandemi*) OR ((1918* OR Spanish*) AND (influenz* OR flu OR H1N1* OR "H1 N1" OR AH1N1* OR "A H1N1")) OR "great influenza" OR ((1957* OR Asian*) AND (influenz* OR flu OR H2N2* OR "H2 N2" OR AH2N2* OR "A H2N2")) OR ((1968* OR "Hong Kong") AND (influenz* OR flu OR H3N2* OR "H3 N2" OR AH3N2* OR "A H3N2")) OR ((1977* OR Russian*) AND (influenz* OR flu OR H1N1* OR "H1 N1" OR AH1N1* OR "A H1N1")) OR ((2009* OR swine*) AND (influenz* OR flu OR H1N1* OR "H1 N1" OR AH1N1* OR "A H1N1"))
#14Seasonal influenzaseasonal* AND (influenz* OR flu OR "epidemic-bronchitis" OR "epidemic bronchitis")
#15Animal influenza(zoono* OR animal* OR avian* OR bird*) AND (influenz* OR flu OR "epidemic-bronchitis" OR "epidemic bronchitis")
#16Mpox (monkeypox)mpox* OR monkeypox* OR "monkey pox" OR "smallpox-like" OR MPV OR MPXV* OR hMPXV* OR “MPX-virus”
#17Zika zika* OR zikv* OR zkv*
#18Malariamalari* OR plasmodi*
#19Cholera choler*
#20Plague plague* OR yersinia* OR pestis
#21Leptospirosisleptospir* OR weil* OR "anti-leptospira"
#22Meningococcal meningitis((neisseria AND mening*) OR meningococ*) AND (meningit* OR meningoencephaliti* OR "nuchal rigidity")
#23Poliomyelitis    poliomyelitis* OR polio*
#24HIVHIV* OR (((human AND (virus OR syndrome)) OR acquired) AND (immunodeficiency OR "immuno-deficiency" OR "immune-deficiency" OR immunedeficiency OR "immune deficiency")) OR (AIDS* AND (immunodeficiency OR "immuno-deficiency" OR "immune-deficiency" OR immunedeficiency OR "immune deficiency" OR infection OR epidemic OR pandemic OR stigma)) OR PLWHIV* OR PLHIV* OR "tb-hiv" OR tbhiv OR “AIDS-HIV”
#25Tuberculosistuberculosis* OR tb OR ltbi OR "r-tb" OR "anti-tuberculosis” OR MDRTB*
#27Viral hepatitis((virus* OR viral) AND hepatiti*) OR "hepatitis B" OR "hepatitis-B" OR "hep B" OR "hep-B" OR HBV* OR "hepatitis E" OR "hepatitis-E" OR HEV
#28 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26



Table 4.  PHSM search strings

 PHSM categories - search termsSearch strategy
#1Public Health and Social Measuresphsm OR phsms OR "social measure" OR "social measures" OR ((nonpharmac* OR nondrug* OR nonmedical* OR "non-pharmacological" OR "non pharmacological" OR "non-pharmacologic" OR "non pharmacologic" OR "non-drug" OR "non drug" OR "non-medical" OR "non medical" OR "non-pharmaceutical" OR "non pharmaceutical" OR "public health" OR "emergency response" OR "emergency control" OR "outbreak response" OR "outbreak control" OR government* OR societal* OR mitigation*) AND (interventions OR approaches OR measures OR countermeasures OR strategies OR policies OR methods OR modalities OR options))
#2Active case finding and contact identification measures(early* OR preemptive* OR timely* OR proactive*) AND (diagnos* OR surveillance* OR identification* OR detect* OR recognition* OR screening* OR monitoring*) AND (public OR population* OR presymptomatic* OR PH OR PHSM)
#3Active case finding(case* AND (finding* OR detection*)) OR "case-finding" OR "case-detection"
#4Contact tracing(contact* AND (trace* OR tracing* OR track*)) OR "contact-tracing" OR "contact tracing" OR "cluster investigation" OR "case investigation" OR "cluster buster" OR "cluster detection"
#5Screeningscreen* OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR checkup* OR "health control" OR inspection* OR (early* AND (detec* OR program*)) OR ((asymptomatic* OR "symptom-free" OR symptomless* OR "without symptoms" OR "non-symptomatic" OR "non symptomatic" OR presymptom* OR "pre-symptomatic") AND diagnos*)
#6Screening for symptoms(screen* OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR checkup* OR "health control" OR inspection* OR (early* AND (detec* OR program*)) OR ((asymptomatic* OR "symptom-free" OR symptomless* OR "without symptoms" OR "without any symptoms" OR "non-symptomatic" OR "non symptomatic" OR "has no symptoms" OR presymptom* OR "pre-symptomatic") AND diagnos*)) AND (symptom* OR complain*)
#7Case specific measurescontainment* AND (area* OR community*)
#8Isolationisolation* OR confinement*
#9Contact specific measurescontainment* AND (area* OR community*)
#11Personal protection measures(individual OR personal OR protective* OR selfprotection* OR "self-protection" OR "self protection" OR selfcare* OR "self-care" OR "self care") AND (measures OR practices OR strategies OR precautions OR protection OR preparations)
#12Personal hygiene measurespersonal* AND (hygiene* OR wash* OR clean*)
#13Food safety measures(food* AND (safe* OR contaminat* OR hygien* OR poisoning*)) AND (handl* OR worker* OR cater* OR preparer* OR personnel*)
#14Hand hygiene(hand* AND (hygien* OR wash* OR rub* OR scrub*)) OR handwash* OR "hand-washing" OR handrub* OR "hand-hygiene"
#15Respiratory etiquette((cough* OR respiratory*) AND etiquette*) OR ((cough* OR sneeze*) AND cover*) OR (dispos* AND tissues)
#16Safe handling of personal equipment and supplies(dispos* OR chang* OR wash* OR disinfect*) AND (clothe* OR clothi* OR sheet* OR bedding*)
#17Safe breastfeeding practices (breast* AND (feed* OR fed)) OR "breast-feeding" OR "breast feeding" OR breastfed* OR lactati*
#18Personal protective equipment(personal* AND protect* AND equipment*) OR PPE
#19Barriers for safer sex(use OR user* OR usage OR wear* OR utiliz* OR utilis* OR applicat*) AND (((barrier* OR device*) AND sex*) OR condom* OR (cervical* AND cap*) OR (contracept* AND sponge*) OR (diaphragm* AND contracept*))
#20Bed netsbednet* OR (bed AND net*) OR ((net* OR curtain*) AND (mosquit* OR "anti-mosquito" OR aedes* OR antimalarial* OR malaria* OR "vector control"))
#21Face shieldsface* AND shield*
#23Long/protective clothing((body* OR "full-body" OR "one-piece") OR ((personal* AND protect* AND equipment*) OR PPE OR gown* OR suit* OR cloth* OR sleeve* OR coat* OR hood*)) OR coverall* OR bodysuit* OR Tyvek* OR Hazmat*
#24Masks(facemask* OR "face-mask" OR "face-masks" OR "face-masking" OR respirator* OR "facial piece" OR FFR* OR mask* OR facemask* OR "face-mask" OR "face-masks" OR "face-masking" OR ((facial* OR face*) AND mask*) OR (filter* AND (facepiece* OR mask*)) OR "facial piece" OR FFR*) OR ((handcraft* OR "hand-craft" OR "hand craft" OR "hand-crafted" OR "hand crafted" OR handmade* OR "hand-made" OR "hand made" OR cloth* OR cotton* OR "non medical" OR "non-medical" OR (neck* AND gaiter*)) AND (facemask* OR mask*)) OR (N95* OR N99* OR KN95* OR "KN-95" OR "KN 95" OR FFP2* OR "FFP-2" OR "FFP 2" OR KF94* OR "KF-94" OR "KF 94" OR FFP3* OR "FFP-3" OR "FFP 3" OR kn99* OR "kn-99" OR "kn 99" OR N100* OR "N-100" OR "N 100" OR FFP4* OR FFP4* OR "FFP-4" OR "FFP 4" OR KN100* OR "KN-100" OR "KN 100" OR (("N-95" OR "N 95" OR "n-99" OR "n 99" OR P2*) AND (facemask* OR mask*)))
#25Repellentsrepel* AND ((insect* OR mosquit* OR spray* OR topic* OR lotion* OR gel OR gels OR soap* OR cream* OR "roll-on" OR rollon*))
#26Environmental measures(environment* AND (measures OR practices OR strategies OR precautions OR protection OR preparations OR sanitation OR hygien*))
#27Animal-human interface((animal* OR wildlife*) AND human*) OR "human-animal" OR "animal-human" OR "animal-to-human" OR "human-wildlife" OR "wildlife-human" OR "wildlife-to-human"
#28Culling(culling* OR "herd reduction" OR ((animal* OR poultr* OR livestock*) AND removal*))
#29Livestock isolation(animal* OR cow* OR calves* OR cattle* OR livestock* OR "food animals" OR "production animals" OR (farm* AND animal*) OR poultry* OR aviculture* OR "avian production" OR (farm* AND (avian* OR bird*)) OR "food bird" OR "food birds" OR "meat bird" OR "meat birds") AND (quarantin​​* OR isolation* OR lockdown* OR confine* OR containment*) 
#30Livestock quarantine(animal* OR cow* OR calves* OR cattle* OR livestock* OR "food animals" OR "production animals" OR (farm* AND animal*) OR poultry* OR aviculture* OR "avian production" OR (farm* AND (avian* OR bird*)) OR "food bird" OR "food birds" OR "meat bird" OR "meat birds") AND (quarantin​​* OR isolation* OR lockdown* OR confine* OR containment*) 
#31Regulation of animal movement and products(travel* OR movement* OR mobility*) AND (restriction* OR ban* OR control) AND (animal* OR cow* OR calves* OR cattle* OR livestock* OR "food animals" OR "production animals" OR (farm* AND animal*) OR poultry* OR aviculture* OR "avian production" OR (farm* AND (avian* OR bird*)) OR "food bird" OR "food birds" OR meat)
#32Restriction of farming, fishing, hunting and/or selling of animals(restriction* OR ban OR regulation*) AND ((farming* OR fishing* OR hunting*) OR ((selling* OR trade) AND animal*))
#33Safe handling of carrion and infected livestock/animals(biosecurit* OR handl* OR manag* OR policy* OR policies*) AND (((infected OR dead OR cadaver* OR corpse* OR carcass* OR mortem* OR mortu* OR postmort* OR "post-mortem") AND (animal* OR cow* OR calves* OR cattle* OR livestock* OR "food animals" OR "production animals" OR (farm* AND animal*) OR poultry* OR aviculture* OR "avian production" OR (farm* AND (avian* OR bird*)) OR "food bird" OR "food birds" OR "meat bird" OR "meat birds")) OR carrion OR slaughter*)
#34Indoor air quality((air OR ventilation*) AND (quality* OR purif* OR filt* OR clean* OR ioni* OR saniti* OR humidifi* OR moisturi*)) AND (indoor* OR home* OR classroom* OR residential* OR room* OR portable*)
#35Air filtering(air* AND (filter* OR filtrat*) OR HEPA OR (("high-efficiency" OR "high efficiency") AND particulate* AND filter*)
#36Humidity controlhumidifier* OR (air* AND (humidif* OR moisturi*))
#37Ventilation((air OR ventilation*) AND (quality* OR purif* OR filt* OR clean* OR ioni* OR saniti* OR humidifi* OR moisturi*)) AND (indoor* OR home* OR classroom* OR residential* OR room* OR portable*)
#38Physical infrastructure(physical* OR infrastructure*) AND barrier*
#39Physical barriersplexiglass* OR fiberglass* OR (window* AND screens) OR "window screen" OR (door* AND screens)) OR "door screen" OR ((barrier* OR separation*) AND physical*) OR (sneeze AND guard*) OR sneezeguard* OR "cough shield" OR "cough shields" OR (room* AND divider*)
#40Surface cleaning(objects OR inanimate* OR surface* OR facility OR facilities* OR fomit*) AND (sanitiz* OR sanitis* OR disinfect* OR decontamina* OR spray* OR cleaning* OR sanitary*)
#41Safe handling of equipment and supplies(sanitiz* OR sanitis* OR disinfect* OR decontamina* OR spray* OR cleaning* OR sanitary*) AND equipment*
#42Surface decontamination(objects OR inanimate* OR surface* OR facility OR facilities* OR fomit*) AND (sanitiz* OR sanitis* OR disinfect* OR decontamina* OR spray* OR cleaning* OR sanitary*)
#43Surface disinfection(objects OR inanimate* OR surface* OR facility OR facilities*) AND (sanitiz* OR sanitis* OR disinfect* OR decontamina* OR spray* OR cleaning* OR sanitary*)
#44Vector controlvector* AND ( control OR measure* OR manage*)
#45Building/housing modification((home* OR hous*) AND (modification* OR improvement*)) OR plexiglass* OR fiberglass* OR (window* AND (plexiglass* OR fiberglass* OR screens)) OR "window screen" OR (door* AND (plexiglass* OR fiberglass* OR screens)) OR "door screen" OR (eave* AND clos*)
#46Reservoir control(reservoir* AND control*) OR "source reduction" OR ((standing* OR stagna*) AND water* AND (drain* OR remov* OR eliminat* OR manage* OR dispos*)) OR ((lid* OR seal* OR cover* OR protect* OR enclos* OR clos* OR secur*) AND water* AND container*)
#47Spraying(insecticide* AND (application* OR spraying*)) OR (residual* AND spray*) OR ((outdoor* OR space*) AND spray*) OR (larvicid* AND (apply* OR applicat* OR spray*)) OR larviciding* OR "larval control" OR "larvae control"
#48Water and sanitation safety(WASH OR water*) AND (safe OR hygien* OR sanit* OR safe OR clean OR improv* OR recycl*)
#49Disinfection of safe drinking water((disinfect* OR purificat* OR decontaminat* OR sterilizat* OR sterilisat* OR sanitisat* OR sanitizat* OR chlorin* OR treat* OR filtrat*) AND ("drinking water" OR (potable* AND water*))) OR "water treatment" OR chlorination* OR "improve water quality" OR potabili*
#50Modification of access to safe drinking water((potable* AND water*) OR "drinking water" OR "safe water" OR "treated water") AND (collection OR procur* OR access* OR conservation*)
#51Solid waste management((waste* OR thrash*) AND (disposal* OR manage*)) OR ((waste* OR thrash* OR disposal*) AND (facilities OR facility OR plant* OR center* OR centre* OR site* OR station* OR repositor*)) OR landfill* OR "waste-to-energy" OR incinerat* OR dumpsite*
#52Wastewater management(wastewater* OR "waste-water" OR sewage* OR ((effluent* OR reclamat* OR wast*) AND water*)) AND (manage* OR decontaminat* OR sanit* OR treat*)
#53Social measures ((social OR physical) AND (distanc* OR proximity*)) OR (movement* AND restriction*) OR "social contact"
#54Domestic mobilitymobility* AND (restriction* OR phsm OR phsms OR "social measure" OR "social measures" OR nonpharmac* OR nondrug* OR nonmedical* OR "non-pharmacological" OR "non pharmacological" OR "non-pharmacologic" OR "non pharmacologic" OR "non-drug" OR "non drug" OR "non-medical" OR "non medical" OR "non-pharmaceutical" OR "non pharmaceutical" OR "public health" OR "emergency response" OR "emergency control" OR "outbreak response" OR "outbreak control" OR government* OR societal* OR mitigation*) AND (interventions OR approaches OR measures OR countermeasures OR strategies OR policies OR methods OR modalities OR options)
#55Entry restrictions​entry* AND domestic* AND (restriction* OR closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR ban OR bans OR bann* OR prohibit*)
#56Exit restrictionsexit* AND domestic* AND (restriction* OR closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR ban OR bans OR bann* OR prohibit*)
#57Restrictions of movement((internal* OR domestic* OR local OR communit*) AND (travel* OR movement* OR mobility*) AND (restriction*OR ban* OR control)) OR (cordon* AND sanita*)
#58Restrictions of public transport servicestransport* AND (closure* OR closing* OR cancel* OR suspension* OR suspending OR ban OR banning OR "operation modification")
#59Stay-at-home order/curfew/movement restrictions(shield* AND vulnerable) OR shielding* OR cocooning* OR confinement* OR lockdown* OR "lock‐down" OR shelter* OR "stay at home" OR "stay-at-home" OR "mass quarantine" OR curfew* 
#60Modifications to activities and services((educational* AND (facilit* OR institution*)) OR school* OR "high-school" OR "high-schools" OR "k-12" OR "k12" OR k12* OR universit* OR preschool* OR workplace* OR business OR industry OR enterprise OR company OR outlet* OR store* OR shop* OR business* OR ((food* OR beverage*) AND (facilit* OR venue*)) OR restaurant* OR bar OR bars OR pub OR pubs OR cafes OR nightclub*) AND (closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR "operation modification" OR opening*)
#61Modification to access(closure* OR shut* OR closing*) AND (establishment* OR institutional* OR organization* OR organisation* OR entit* OR premise* OR facility* OR facilities* OR venue* OR space* OR service*)
#62Modification to types of activities(digital* AND remote*) OR tele* OR videoconf* OR (video* AND conferenc*) OR remote* OR (distance* AND manage*) OR "internet-delivered" OR teleeducation* OR "tele-education" OR "tele education" OR ((education* OR training* OR teach* OR studying OR learn* OR classroom*) AND (remote* OR home* OR online OR virtual* OR distance* OR distant* OR internet* OR videoconf*)) OR telework* OR "tele-work" OR "tele-work" OR ((work* OR offic*) AND (remote* OR home* OR online OR virtual OR distance OR distant OR internet OR videoconf*))
#63Safe burialcadaver* OR corpse* OR carcass* OR mortem* OR mortu* OR postmort* OR "post-mortem" OR cremat* OR tomb OR tombs OR buri* OR bury* OR entomb* OR sepultur* OR forens* OR autops* OR ((body* OR bodies* OR dead) AND (dispos* OR handl* OR deceased* OR (pass* AND away))) OR (human AND remains)
#64Social interactions and gatherings modifications(social AND (interaction* OR distance*)) OR (gathering* AND (modific* OR restrict*))
#65Physical distancinggesture* OR "hand-shake" OR handshak* OR ((keep* OR maintain*) AND (meter OR metre* OR meters OR foot OR feet OR "two-meter" OR "two-metre" OR "2-meter" OR "2-metre" OR "six-foot" OR "6-foot" OR "6 foot")) OR "physical distancing" OR "physical contact"
#66Restrictions of private gatherings /mass gatheringsprivate* AND gather*
#67Restrictions of public gatherings/mass gatheringscrowd* OR gathering* OR restaurant* OR movie* OR cinema* OR theat* OR shopping* OR mall OR club* OR temple* OR church* OR mosque* OR synagogue* OR (sport* AND (center* OR centre* OR events OR event)) OR ((restrict* OR ban OR cancel*) AND (mass* OR public* OR religio*) AND (event OR events)) OR "mass events" OR "mass event" OR "public event"
#68International travel and trade measures(((maritime* OR sea) AND port*) OR (land AND border*) OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR (air AND (travel* AND passenger*)) OR ((sea OR marine* OR water* OR ocean*) AND (transport* OR travel* OR crossing*)) OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR flight* OR airline* OR ship OR ships OR cruis* OR watercraft* OR boat* OR ferry* OR ferries* OR migra* OR repatriation* OR immigra* OR emigrat* OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR airport* OR airplane* OR seaport* OR harbor* OR "shipping vessels" OR ferrie* OR cruise* OR ship* OR border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings" OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR flight* OR airline* OR ship OR ships OR cruis* OR watercraft* OR boat* OR ferry* OR ferries* OR (human* AND mobility*) OR trade OR trading OR export* OR shipment* OR "pre-shipment" OR "pre-export" OR import*) AND (ban OR bans OR bann* OR restrict* OR control OR regulat* OR policy OR policies OR barrier* OR intervention* OR measure* OR program* OR strategies* OR strategy* OR embargo*)
#69Trade measures for exported goods(export* OR shipment* OR "pre-shipment" OR "pre-export") AND (ban OR bans OR bann* OR restrict* OR control OR regulat* OR policy OR policies OR barrier* OR intervention* OR measure* OR program* OR strategies* OR strategy* OR embargo*)
#70Export ban(export* OR shipment* OR "pre-shipment" OR "pre-export") AND ( ban OR bans OR bann* OR embargo*)
#71Export inspection(export* OR shipment* OR "pre-shipment" OR "pre-export") AND inspect*
#72Export restriction(export* OR shipment* OR "pre-shipment" OR "pre-export") AND (restrict* OR control OR regulat* OR barrier*)
#73Trade measures for imported goodsimport* AND (ban OR bans OR bann* OR restrict* OR control OR regulat* OR policy OR policies OR barrier* OR intervention* OR measure* OR program* OR strategies* OR strategy* OR embargo*)
#74Import banimport* AND ( ban OR bans OR bann* OR embargo*)
#75Import inspectionimport* AND inspect*
#76Import restrictionsimport* AND (restrict* OR control OR regulat* OR barrier*)
#77Travel related screening/testing("point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR travel* OR entry* OR exit* OR airport* OR port* OR harbor* OR landborder* OR border* OR "ground crossings") AND (screen* OR supervision* OR control OR testing OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR inspection*)
#78Exit/entry screening for symptoms("point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR travel* OR entry* OR exit* OR airport* OR port* OR harbor* OR landborder* OR border* OR "ground crossings") AND (screen* OR supervision* OR control OR testing OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR inspection*) AND (symptom* OR complain*)
#79Exit/entry screening for travel/contact history("point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR travel* OR entry* OR exit* OR airport* OR port* OR harbor* OR landborder* OR border* OR "ground crossings") AND ((screen* OR supervision* OR control OR testing OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR inspection*) AND (symptom* OR complain*) AND ((travel* AND history*) OR contact* OR carrier* OR household* OR famil* OR "close-contact"))
#80Exit/entry screening for vaccination/immunity((human* AND mobility*) OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR (air AND travel* AND passenger*) OR flight* OR airline* OR ((sea OR marine* OR water* OR ocean*) AND (transport* OR travel* OR crossing*)) OR ship OR ships OR cruis* OR watercraft* OR boat* OR ferry* OR ferries*) AND (screen* OR supervision* OR control OR testing OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR inspection*) AND (vaccin* OR immunization* OR immunisation* OR reactogenic*)
#81Exit/entry testing for infection((human* AND mobility*) OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR (air AND travel* AND passenger*) OR flight* OR airline* OR ((sea OR marine* OR water* OR ocean*) AND (transport* OR travel* OR crossing*)) OR ship OR ships OR cruis* OR watercraft* OR boat* OR ferry* OR ferries*) AND (screen* OR supervision* OR control OR testing OR checkup* OR "check-up" OR inspection*) AND (febrile* OR fever* OR infect*)
#82Border measures(border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings") AND (closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR restriction* OR ban* OR control)
#83Ban on entry(border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings") AND (closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR ban OR bans OR bann* OR prohibit*) AND (entry OR inbound* OR returning* OR repatriat* OR incoming* OR "re-entrant" OR onward* OR "non-visa" OR nonvisa*)
#84Ban on exit (border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings") AND (closure* OR closing* OR closed* OR lockdown* OR shut OR ban OR bans OR bann* OR prohibit*) AND (exit OR exits OR outbound* OR outward*)
#85Border entry restrictions(border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings") AND (restrict* OR limiting*) AND (entry OR inbound* OR returning* OR repatriat* OR incoming* OR "re-entrant" OR onward* OR "non-visa" OR nonvisa*)
#86Exit restrictions(border OR borders OR "cross-border" OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings") AND (restrict* OR limiting*) AND (exit OR exits OR outbound* OR outward*)
#87Upon arrival quarantine(quarantin* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR containment* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR quarantin*) AND (entry* OR arrival* OR "upon-arrival" OR postarrival* OR "post-arrival" OR "post-travel" OR posttravel* OR oversea* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR airport* OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings" OR seaport* OR harbor* OR ((maritime* OR sea) AND port*))
#88Home quarantine(quarantin* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR containment* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR quarantin*) AND (entry* OR arrival* OR "upon-arrival" OR postarrival* OR "post-arrival" OR "post-travel" OR posttravel* OR oversea* OR inbound* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR airport* OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings" OR seaport* OR harbor* OR ((maritime* OR sea) AND port*)) AND (domestic* OR household* OR home* OR "at-home" OR domiciliary* OR house*)
#89Hotel / non-healthcare facility / institutional quarantine(quarantin* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR containment* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR quarantin*) AND (entry* OR arrival* OR "upon-arrival" OR postarrival* OR "post-arrival" OR "post-travel" OR posttravel* OR oversea* OR inbound* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR airport* OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings" OR seaport* OR harbor* OR ((maritime* OR sea) AND port*)) AND (lodging* OR accomodation* OR hotel* OR hostel* OR motel* OR guest* OR overnight* OR "hospitality residence" OR "hospitality residences" OR "non-healthcare" OR nonhealthcare* OR institutional*)
#90Healthcare facility quarantine(quarantin* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR containment* OR isolation* OR confinement* OR quarantin*) AND (entry* OR arrival* OR "upon-arrival" OR postarrival* OR "post-arrival" OR "post-travel" OR posttravel* OR oversea* OR travel* OR touris* OR transport* OR "point-of-entry" OR "point of entry" OR port OR ports OR border* OR airport* OR (land AND border*) OR landborder* OR "land-border" OR "land-borders" OR (ground* AND crossing*) OR "ground-crossing" OR "ground-crossings" OR seaport* OR harbor* OR ((maritime* OR sea) AND port*)) AND ((health* AND (facility* OR facilities*)) OR inpatient* OR hospital*)
#91Travel advice/warning(travel* OR pretravel* OR "pre-travel" OR foreign* OR abroad*) AND (advic* OR counsel* OR (motivat* AND (interview* OR counsel* OR therap* OR consult* OR intervention* OR enhance*))​)​​​ 
#92Travel advice(travel* OR pretravel* OR "pre-travel" OR foreign* OR abroad*) AND (advic* OR counsel*)
#93Travel warning(travel* OR pretravel* OR "pre-travel" OR foreign* OR abroad*) AND warn*
#94 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 OR #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56 OR #57 OR #58 OR #59 OR #60 OR #61 OR #62 OR #63 OR #64 OR #65 OR #66 OR #67 OR #68 OR #69 OR #70 OR #71 OR #72 OR #73 OR #74 OR #75 OR #76 OR #77 OR #78 OR #79 OR #80 OR #81 OR #82 OR #83 OR #84 OR #85 OR #86 OR #87 OR #88 OR #89 OR #90 OR #91 OR #92 OR #93


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